The Land and its People
The Backbone of the World
When envisioning the northern Rocky Mountains in Northwestern Montana, undoubtedly the images that arise are of Glacier National Park’s immense mountain faces covered in snow, and the many beautiful turquoise glacial lakes. Combine that image with the endless rolling horizon covered in knee-high grass that you immediately think of when you hear the word “plains,” and you have one of the most iconic landscapes to be found in North America. This pristine land is home to what is said to be the oldest living bloodline of indigenous people in North America: the Blackfeet Nation.
The Blackfeet have been inhabiting this part of the continent
for as long as humans have been here.
If you were to ask a tribal member how long that is, they would surely respond by acknowledging, “since the beginning of time,” which is why they also have always referred to their land as the “backbone of the world.” They have directly lived with, and very much evolved with, the land and the animals that reside here; the buffalo being their most sacred animal. The land that makes up the Lower Two Medicine Lake Area, specifically Red Eagle Campground, is where Fire in the Mountains has found its new home partnering with the Blackfeet Nation on what is sovereign tribal land.
The beautiful and lush Red Eagle Campground sits at the foot of Lower Two Medicine Lake, a three-and-a-half-mile-long natural lake positioned along the western border of the Blackfeet Reservation and Glacier Park. The Southern Pikuni, our local hosts, have long referred to this area as Two Medicine; (nǎaṫoōk̇yoōk̇ǎasii in the Blackfoot language). The name originated long ago when two unknowing bands of the Blackfoot Confederacy converged for ceremony at the same place, at the same time, along what is now known as the Two Medicine River, where two distinct yet equally proud Medicine lodges were constructed during this famed gathering. Both lodges formed the visual and historical backdrop of this powerful place, and serve as the inspiration for its name.
This land, like all of their land, is truly special and has been in ceremonial use for thousands of years. The spirit of this land will welcome us, if we in turn bring with us the respect it deserves. We can honor the Blackfeet people and their culture, traditions, and ways by bringing a greater presence of heart and mind than you would normally bring to any ordinary festival. And in doing so, together, we may just create the most remarkable and meaningful festival experience in the world.
During the last weekend of July, 2025, once again reunited under the blazing alpine sun, we will commune under the banner of Fire in the Mountains to gather with our friends and family and revel in the splendor of the Two Medicine. It’s here that we will envision and partake in a world where inclusivity, respect, integrity, and love reign for all.