Fire in the Mountains partners with Friends of Bridger Teton, WinWin, and CoolEffect: Leading the Way to a Greener Future

Beyond the electrifying performances and a breathtaking setting in the Tetons, FITM is dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment. In 2022, FITM took a bold step by partnering with WinWin and CoolEffect to offset 68.40 metric tons of CO2 emissions generated during the festival. Notably, a portion of this donation went towards the protection of bear habitats through the conservation of old growth forests.

CoolEffect is a leading non-profit organization in carbon offsetting and sustainability that works towards making a positive impact on the environment. By donating to CoolEffect, FITM supports various projects that effectively reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. These projects not only focus on offsetting emissions but also contribute to the preservation of vital ecosystems.

FITM’s commitment to environmental stewardship extends beyond carbon offsetting.   Recognizing the importance of having a positive impact on our local ecosystems and giving back to organizations that make FITM possible, we have donated funds to Friends of Bridger Teton.  These funds will be used to build fire rings within highly utilized dispersed campsites in the National Forest that surround Buffalo Valley and the festival grounds of FITM.  If you would like to donate to help us install more fire rings in this area, please click on the following link to read about the campaign.  There is a donation button at this link.  Every little bit counts enormously, as we push towards supporting measures that not only ensure the future of FITM (through preventing wildfires), but also help so everyone can enjoy the wonders of our National Forests.

FITM’s Ambitious Goal for 2024

FITM’s dedication to sustainability doesn’t end with carbon offsetting, habitat conservation, and fire ring installations.  We have set an ambitious goal to work towards carbon neutrality and waste reduction for the upcoming 2024 festival.  To do this we have partnered with a local production company, called WinWin.  Through our partnership with WinWin we are taking proactive measures to reduce emissions at the source and exploring innovative solutions to minimize the festival’s environmental footprint. By aiming for carbon neutrality, FITM hopes to set an inspiring example for other music festivals, demonstrating that even large-scale events can prioritize sustainability.  If you would like to learn more about WinWin, their website address is below.

Please keep an eye out for future emails about how you can directly support the future of FITM through simple measures that show your public support for the approval of the permit that will allow us to have the festival in 2024 and beyond.  More information will follow in the coming weeks.  

Ever Climbing,

Your FITM Crew